Tag: monetization

  • You’re pricing your SaaS wrong but that’s probably OK

    You’re pricing your SaaS wrong but that’s probably OK

    Previously, I wrote about how important it is to Design your pricing and tools so you can adapt them later – now I want to give a little bit more material on that… I’m going to assume that you’re some sort of SaaS founder, or perhaps even a product manager for pricing, growth, or monetisation.…

  • How we built a Cashback system with Stripe

    How we built a Cashback system with Stripe

    Recently, at Pleo, we built a cashback system that uses our internal payments infrastructure, as well as Stripe. So while there are other components at play to actually move the money around, Stripe is what drives the cashback events for the most part. Yeah, it’s a bit of a stretch, but it is doable! I’m…